Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Just some BS Since I'm Cranky

Wow, November first, the holiday countdown begins - argh.

Work sux, too much petty bullshyt and procrastination. My job requires absolutely no imagination nor intelligence - yawwwwwnnnn.

Yesterday got to see Jesse - young woman with amazing potential and is as nice a person as you will ever meet. She's doing great (not that I had any doubts she would) and it was the highlight of my day just having lunch with her. Miss ya Jesse.

My love life is it's normal chaotic thing but I do love my baby. He'll be going away for a week while my son visits - and our time away from one another might actually be a good thing. It will give him time to see life without me, and if he likes it then I will wish him well. Hell, I might want him to stay there myself - who knows.

A week and two days until my son visits - it's been such a helluva long time that it's gonna be weird trying to catch up all within a week. Wow I so need to work on the house though - argh.
My lil one is having monumental work issues and the Mom in me would like nothing better than to go there after work and do a number on a certain perverted, egomaniacal bastard who is making her life hell. But she pleaded with me not to. The asshole actually pushed her on a stairway so although I am calmish now, there's no telling if I will be able to maintain. Stay tuned.

Otherwise, beside rewriting a Graduate School essay that blew me away with its awfulness, and shopping for some uglyass clothes for work - I am, as always, just doing me.


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