Thursday, October 19, 2006

Politicians - Who Needs Them (another tirade by me)

The word politician has become synonymous with corruption, greed, moral perversion - but how? What happened to all those kids who could someday "even become President" as many a parent has said? We were not the morally bankrupt people which we now look to elect each November - we were idealistic, hopeful and patriotic. What happened? If we were all these wonderful things than how is it that these no-goodnicks managed to take over our democracy turning it into a scandalous money making venture? I think it's time we look more closely at those which we would empower to represent not only our best interests, but the best interests of all of the people in the world we seek to help. A vote cast for the "least corrupt" of the candidates is not a solution - we must find "the last honest man." Grab your lanterns my fellow Americans and a hunting we will go.

What qualifications should we seek out in our candidates? What characteristics could be used to gauge the true metal of a man/woman? These seem like broad ideals which would take many a philosophical debate to come to terms with; however, it is not so. An honest man who chooses a life of service is irreplaceable as not only a candidate, but a leader. Such a man does not need to be endowed with all the political skills that we so often hear is needed to be "the better candidate" as there are ample people who possess such skills to offer the right man the support he needs. It is not the diplomatic joue de vive that should decide who rises and who falls as sincerity and altruism take the back burner to baby-kissing, back room political dealings. Remember Honest Abe was not the most magnetic force in the universe but what he was able to display in his simple, home-spun language and common, middle of the road observations on the nature of the human being catapulted this man from a log cabin to the White House. While most people are capable of being taught from books and shown the "proper" and "correct" way to do things, you cannot teach common sense, you can not lie your way into sincerity and you cannot expect any politician to ever improve the human condition based on the ideas originating from a blackened soul.

When we truly decide to form a party that looks not at the charasmatic charms of a candidate, nor at which candidate did the LEAST number corrupt things, then maybe we might find our way back to the ideals that democracy stands for.

Okay, again, feel free to chastise my self righteous attitude since it's my blog and I don't care who thinks what of me. SOooooo HA. lol.


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