Friday, October 13, 2006

Life - Why Bother?

What's so great about life? I mean we have all heard how amazing the afterlife is so why should we cling to this one so desperately? Why not just say fuck it all and go on to the other side. Shyt, it'd be easy enough, give one of these lunatic world leaders an armed nuclear warhead and a fifth of E&J and we're history. So why not?

Simple, we're friggin doers. We do shyt. We bitch and moan and groan but every day we are doing things trying to make our lives better. We work hard for that raise, we give love to our loved one's to foster stronger relationships, we play hard to win - we just do shyt. We aren't ready for a lounge chair and harps cuz there's not battle to forge ahead with and no prize to strive for.

Human beings are just vain enough to think that we can make things better - unfortunately we tend to think along lines of the 4 feet that surround us. We just seek changing our immediate environment and that myopic thinking is what keeps us on the brink of universal collapse and sends your young people overseas to die. We don't seek to improve or win for someone else, we want for US. Well US will be no more if that self absorbed way of thinking continues. Look past those 4 feet or one day that 4 feet will exist no more. At this rate the destruction of man is not a question of IF, but WHEN - will it be in our lifetime? our children's? our grandchildren's?
We all know who to blame though don't we? THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not us cuz we mind our own business. We get up, go to work, pay bills, drink one too many beers on the weekend, and start again on Monday. We revel in our virtual world's be it internet or television. We're not doing anything wrong so it must be THEIR fault. WRONG!!!!!!!

If you are not willing to fight for more than your four feet maybe you should just accept that you have imprisoned yourself in a cell on Earth and all the world has to offer will be lost, just outside your grasp, because if you do not involve yourself in it - it simply does not belong to you.
Hey, I'm tired it's been a tough week but just a lil something something to think about.
PEACE (I hope

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